Life at Educare

A life of Education and opportunity, a life of reveling in many exciting stories everyday- Catch everything going on around Educare!

Educare Chronicles

Raisin Art Workshop at Educare International School

On 10/04/2024 (Wednesday), Educare International School conducted an open Raisin Art Workshop to its students. It provided the attendees with a creative outlet using unconventional materials like...

Summer Camp 2024 at Educare International School

The summer camp at Educare International School on 04/04/2024, Thursday heralded the start of the academic session 2024-25 with an array of engaging activities catering to all interests and age...

Graduation Day 2024 Celebration at Educare International School

Educare International School was founded on 25/03/2011 by our Founder-Chairperson, Mrs. Rashmoni Karmakar. That day each year has been really special to all of us; teachers, students and staffs alike...

Basanta Utsav 2024 At Educare International School

আজি বসন্ত জাগ্রত দ্বারে।তব অবগুন্ঠিত কুন্ঠিত জীবনেকোরো না বিড়ম্বিত তারে। বসন্ত আসার সাথে সাথে প্রকৃতিতে বয়ে চলে দক্ষিণা হাওয়ার মাতাল সমীরণ, বাতাসে পাতা ঝরার শব্দ, সেই সাথে গাছে গাছে নতুন পাতা আর...

Yaadein 1.0: A Sentimental Farewell at Educare International School

As the academic year reached its climax, Educare International School brimmed with a mix of nostalgia and excitement. The school orchestrated a heartfelt farewell for its 2024 CBSE Class XII board...

National Youth Day 2024 Celebration @Educare

Swami Vivekananda, a key figure in the introduction of Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world, was a charismatic Hindu monk and spiritual leader. Born in 1863 in Kolkata, he...

Endless Excitements: Day 2 of Annual Sports Meet 2023 at Educare

“Free are we, choices abound Life is just a merry-go-round We help each other while we play Lessons of Educare will go on to stay.” Our Annual Sports Meet 2023 continues on to Day Two of...

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