Life at Educare

A life of Education and opportunity, a life of reveling in many exciting stories everyday- Catch everything going on around Educare!

Educare Chronicles

Educare Organises Improve-360° – Ex Tempore Activity Session

“In moments unplanned, brilliance blooms, extemporaneously spanned.” Ex tempore is a Latin phrase that translates to “on the spur of the moment” or “without...

Educare Organises Eye Check-up Camp

“I don’t know how she looks”, said the blind man, “but how I wish to borrow a couple of eyes for just a second to be able to see her!” Eyes are one of the greatest assets...

Educare Celebrates World Music Day, 2023

“Music has the power to touch our souls, ignite our spirits, and unite us in a celebration of the human experience.” World Music Day, also known as Fête de la Musique, is an annual global...

Educare Celebrates International Yoga Day, 2023

“Yoga is not just a physical exercise, but a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and inner peace. It is the art of connecting the mind, body, and spirit, and finding balance amidst the...

Educare Celebrates “Back to the Olden Days”

“Time, a ceaseless river, claims its prize Leaving memories, as moments fly.” No matter how badly we want it, we cannot hold time accountable to ourselves. It can only move forward...

G20 (Group of Twenty) Logo 2023 Makeover Session by Educarians

“Creativity is the spark that ignites innovation, and innovation is the fuel that propels us into the future.” Educare International School believes in cultivating a pure sense of...

Educarians Awarded Certificates of Excellence Before Summer Vacation, 2023

On 22/05/2023 (Monday), Educare International School had concluded the lessons of the day. After ending the classes, students were awarded certificates for their excellence in “Summer Camp 2023-24”...

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