Read more about the article Educare Receives Prestigious Swami Vivekananda National Awards 2024 at Education Excellence Conclave, Taj City Centre, Kolkata
Educare Receives Swami Vivekananda National Awards 2024

Educare Receives Prestigious Swami Vivekananda National Awards 2024 at Education Excellence Conclave, Taj City Centre, Kolkata

In Kolkata’s grandeur, our school shines bright,Honored with an award that feels just right,Nurturing minds with skills to grow,Educare’s excellence continues to glow. Educare International School is proud to announce…

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Read more about the article Intra-class & Inter-club Drawing Competition at Educare International School
Intra-class & Inter-club Drawing Competition 2024 at Educare International School

Intra-class & Inter-club Drawing Competition at Educare International School

In Educare's halls, where art takes flight,Creativity shone bright and right,From class to club, with passion’s gleam,Students painted their vibrant dream. On 27/07/2024 (Saturday), Educare International School transformed into a…

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Read more about the article Practicing Activity-based Learning (ABL) at Educare International School
ABL Session 2024-25 at Educare International School

Practicing Activity-based Learning (ABL) at Educare International School

In Educare's vibrant, active space,Hands-on learning sets the pace,Through projects, teamwork, and real-world sights,Students blossom, minds alight. At Educare International School, we are committed to innovative teaching methods that engage…

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Read more about the article Practicing Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) at Educare International School
PAL Session 2024 at Educare International School

Practicing Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) at Educare International School

In Educare's halls, where knowledge grows,Peer learning thrives, and wisdom flows,Students teach with hearts so bright,Together they reach new academic heights. Student-led teaching has long been regarded as a useful…

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Read more about the article “No Bag, No Baggage Day” 2024 at Educare International School
No Bag, No Baggage Day 2024 at Educare International School

“No Bag, No Baggage Day” 2024 at Educare International School

In a student's journey, a school bag holds more than books—it carries dreams, curiosity, and possibilities, empowering young minds to explore, learn, and shape their future. The weight it bears…

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