Life at Educare

A life of Education and opportunity, a life of reveling in many exciting stories everyday- Catch everything going on around Educare!

Educare Chronicles

Educare Celebrates Rabindra Jayanti, 2023

“হে মোর চিত্ত, পূণ্য তীর্থে জাগো রে ধীরে এই ভারতের মহামানবের সাগরতীরে। হেথায় দাঁড়ায়ে দু বাহু বাড়ায়ে নমি নরদেবতারে – উদার ছন্দে, পরমানন্দে বন্দন করি তাঁরে। ধ‍্যান-গম্ভীর এই-যে ভূধর...

Educare Wins the Prestigious SIP Abacus Award, 2023

Congratulations to Educare International School on winning the prestigious SIP Abacus Award on 03/05/2023 (Wednesday)! This is a remarkable achievement for our students and a testament to our...

Inauguration & Graduation Day Celebration at Educare, 2023

As you probably already know, our School was founded on 25/03/2011 by our Founder-Chairperson, Mrs. Rashmoni Karmakar. That day each year has been really special to all of us; teachers, students and...

VIBE- 2.0 (Annual Fest at Educare 2023) – Celebrating 12 Years of Glory

In the beginning, there was a dream. Then came years of patience and hard work. We at Educare International School are proud today for what we have been so far; how much we have achieved and how many...

Educarians Giving Karate Annual Examination for Session 2022-23

Karate is a 17th century striking-based martial art form developed in the Ryukyu Islands, currently in Japan. The word ‘karate’ means ‘bare hands’ or ’empty hands’...

International Mother Language Day 2023 Celebration at Educare

রফিকুল ইসলাম, আবুল কাশেম, আবদুস সালাম, রফিক উদ্দিন আহমেদ, আবুল বরকত, আব্দুল জব্বার, শফিউর রহমান… আরও অনেক নাম নেওয়া যায় আজকের দিনে। কারণ এঁরা সকলেই ছিলেন আজকের এই ভাষা দিবসের যোদ্ধা। ১৯৪৭ সালে...

Educare Organizes Free Dental Checkup Camp

“Oral health is a reflection of the physiological, social and psychological factors that are essential to our quality of life.” Educare International School is proud to have organized a...

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